Peraturan :
- Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani.
- Menggunakan compact camera 35mm.
- Film bebas, color, slide, maupun hitam putih.
- Kirim karya kalian ke :
- Sertakan nama lengkap, link flickr / blog / atau portfolio yang lain.
- Sertakan jenis kamera dan film.
- Sertakan dimana lokasi dan kapan waktu pengambilan foto tersebut (Contoh : Jakarta, Indonesia. Januari 2012).
- Single photo deperbolehkan, namun essay photo / photo story lebih dianjurkan.
- Kami tunggu karya kalian.
Rules of the game :
- Physical and Spiritual Health.
- Using a 35mm compact camera.
- Film 35mm, color, slide, or black and white.
- Submit your work to: ardy.marwan @
- Include full name, link flickr / blog / or other portfolio.
- Include the type of camera and film.
- Include a location and time when taking the photo (example: Jakarta, Indonesia. January 2012).
- Single photo is allowed, but the photo essay / photo story is more advisable.
- We wait for your work.
- Using a 35mm compact camera.
- Film 35mm, color, slide, or black and white.
- Submit your work to: ardy.marwan @
- Include full name, link flickr / blog / or other portfolio.
- Include the type of camera and film.
- Include a location and time when taking the photo (example: Jakarta, Indonesia. January 2012).
- Single photo is allowed, but the photo essay / photo story is more advisable.
- We wait for your work.
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